woke up this morning with a much better attitude than yesterday. i had a doctors appointment in the afternoon and all morning i was so anxious and excited to hear what the doctor had to say i couldn't sit still. i was a cleaning machine. by the time a got my cleaning fix and showered, stephen and i met with our friends lauren and pete at chipotle for lunch. again, i was so excited i could barely eat. maybe it had to do with the fact that my stomach is running out of room to even contain much, but since i had woken up that night at 2:30am with feelings of contractions and a few days feeling the baby drop i was really imagining the doctor saying, "you need to be taking it really easy and as soon as u feel more let us know and head to the hospital." but nope. she said i was
1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. people keep telling me that is a really good thing but i was not disappointed. so i just went home and got things ready for the neighborhood GIRLS NIGHT that we host once a week for any girl who wants to come from the birchcroft. last night, was really special though. abby and caroline planned it and all week i had been asking if there was anything i could do anything to prepare for it. they kept telling me not to worry about a thing and they had it all under control. so they surprised me by making the night all about me and honoring me. it was so so so sweet. tina
washed my feet in warm soapy water, mackenzie and tea da so
rubbed lotion all over my feel and biak
painted my toe nails. we played some really fun baby shower games where we had to
taste test baby food and guess what it was and then the girls had to cut an estimated piece of string
as big as they thought my belly was. we ate
baby goldfish and cookie cake, sang a few worship songs and the girls all wrote letters to KIAH. it was so nice to not have to worry about anything and to enjoy hanging out with all the girls.
our front door |
today, i have decided to not sit around waiting anymore!!! i woke up and went out for a nice 5 mile run down my normal route, taking a bathroom break at the 2 mile point starbucks and continued on my way home. it was really what i have been needing after the past couple days of just hanging around in the house waiting for something to happen. it also helps me to get out because somewhere along the way someone stops me to give me a compliment or ask how long i have.
on this particular run, i was stopped by 3 people. a lady walking into starbucks told me that i look so cute, then a man getting into his car outside of his house asked if i was something like 8 months along...i laughed and said 8 days actually, then a lady walking her dog asked if it hurt to run with being pregnant and i told her no it's my favorite thing to do! i know God's timing is never too early and never too late and i am letting go of when this is all supposed to happen. God is great, and i have trusted him with my entire life; with my pregnancy, with my plans, with our money, with our time! it is all HIS and He is so worth trusting! so i continued on to go grocery shopping, where i parked as far away as i could to walk as long as possible and then i bought all the groceries that i thought i would want to have around when we get home from the hospital.
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